ဘုရားရွင္သည္ ရာဇၿဂိဳလ္ျပည္ၾကီးရွင္ ဗိမၼိသာရမင္းျမတ္ လွဴဒါန္းအပ္ေသာ ေ၀ဠဳ၀န္ေက်ာင္းတိုက္၌ သီတင္းသံုးေတာ္မူေၾကာင္းကို ခမည္းေတာ္ သုေဒၶါဒနမင္း ၾကားသိေတာ္မူရ၍ လူေပါင္း တစ္ေထာင္စီျဖင့္ အမတ္ ကိုးေယာက္ကို ဘုရားပင့္လာဘို႕ရန္ အတန္တန္ ေစလႊတ္ေသာ္လည္း စကားျပန္မွ်မရဘဲ အားလံုး ရဟႏာၱျဖစ္၍ ရဟန္းျပဳၾကေလေသာ္ ကာဠဳဒါယီကို ရဟန္းျပဳေစလိုလည္း ျပဳပါဟု ခြင့္ျပဳကာ ေစလႊတ္ရျပန္ေလသည္။
ကာဠဳဒါဟီအမတ္သည္ ရဟႏာၱျဖစ္၍ ရဟန္းျပဳၿပီးေနာက္ ကပိလ၀တ္ေနျပည္ေတာ္သို႕ ၾကြေတာ္မူပါရန္ ေလွ်ာက္ေသာအခါ ေနာက္ေတာ္ပါ ရဟႏာၱ ႏွစ္ေသာင္းနွင့္အတူ ယူဇနာ ေျခာက္ဆယ္ ေ၀းေသာခရီးကို တစ္ေန႕ တစ္ယူဇနာက်ျဖင့္ ႏွစ္လတိတိ ၾကြေတာ္မူေလသည္။ ကာဠဳဒါယီသည္ ဘုရားၾကြလာ၍ ေရာက္ေသာခရီးကို သိႏွင့္ဖို႕ရန္ ေန႕စဥ္ စ်ာန္ျဖင့္ ၾကြ၍ ခမည္းေတာ္အားေျပာထားေသာေၾကာင့္ ဘုရား ေရာက္မည့္ေန႕တြင္ အဆင္သင့္ၾကိဳဆိုေနၾကေလသည္။
King Suddhodana heard that the Buddha was dwelling at the Veluvana Monastery offererd by King Bimbisara of Rajagaha. He wanted to see him. Nine courtiers, eash with a large following, were went on nine successive occasions to invite the Buddha to Kapilavatthu. All nine attained Arahantship and no reply was received. The King finally despatched Kaluday. he went on condition that he would be allowed to enter the Order.
Kaludayi also became an Arahant and entered the Order. He then requested the Buddha to visit the city of Kapilavatthu. The Buddha proceeded there with a following of twenty thousand Arahnnts covering a distance of 60 yajanas at the rate of one yojana a day. It took him fully two months to do the journey. Kaludayi Thera traveled by air everyday by superhuman power and kept the Buddha's father. Suddhodana, informed of the progress of the march. And on the day of Buddha's arrival, a great welcome a waited him.
King Suddhodana heard that the Buddha was dwelling at the Veluvana Monastery offererd by King Bimbisara of Rajagaha. He wanted to see him. Nine courtiers, eash with a large following, were went on nine successive occasions to invite the Buddha to Kapilavatthu. All nine attained Arahantship and no reply was received. The King finally despatched Kaluday. he went on condition that he would be allowed to enter the Order.
Kaludayi also became an Arahant and entered the Order. He then requested the Buddha to visit the city of Kapilavatthu. The Buddha proceeded there with a following of twenty thousand Arahnnts covering a distance of 60 yajanas at the rate of one yojana a day. It took him fully two months to do the journey. Kaludayi Thera traveled by air everyday by superhuman power and kept the Buddha's father. Suddhodana, informed of the progress of the march. And on the day of Buddha's arrival, a great welcome a waited him.
အားလံုးကိုခ်စ္ခင္ေလးစားလွ်က္. . . .

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